Archived Projects on this Portfolio -
Steam - Feature Redesign
Voluntary UX/UI Project involving redesigning features on the Steam Mobile App.
McDonald's Website Design Challenge (Uplabs)
UI Design Challenge on UpLabs to redesign the Website for McDonald's.
Booltox - Simple Web Toolbox
A simple web-based toolbox I made while learning SvelteKit. Consists of functionalities like Die Roll, Coin Flip & more...
Pastr - Web Clipboard
A web based clipboard app I made as a self-challenge using React JS & Firebase [24Hr SPEEDRUN].
Grocero - Uplabs Challenge
Dribbble Shot of a challenge from UpLabs for a Grocery List App (Honorable Mentions).
Interesting Codepens & Snippets
Perspective Rotation Cards
Interesting CSS & Javascript based mouseover animations to help you pick your starter Pokémon...
Simple Touch Calculator
A touch-screen friendly calculator UI, inspired by the OS & UI styling on Light Phone.
#CSS #ReactJS
Probably Quiz
A simple quiz web-app made for fun, hosted on Vercel using random questions from a JSON array.
#CSS #Javascript #JSON
More Buttons
A set of handy buttons made with TS & React. Feel free to try these in your next project.
#CSS #Typescript #React.JS
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Behance Projects Projects on Portfolio